Check out the new bioRxiv preprint by Renaud Bastien, Department of Collective Behavior, MPI Konstanz and Pawel Romanczuk. In this manuscript, we introduce a mathematical framework for purely vision-based social interactions in agent-groups, and how it leads to self-organized emergence of collective movement. Already the simplest models – without any representation of distance or object classification lead to various modes of collective behavior.
Monthly Archives: March 2019
New preprint on collective decision making!
Check out the new arXiv preprint by Bryan C. Daniels and Pawel Romanczuk. In this paper we explore the role of higher order network structure in collective decision making. More specifically, we investigate the speed-accuracy trade-off in collective binary decisions, how it is affected by degree heterogeneity across nodes, e.g. a so-called rich-club structure, and how it can be quantified in terms of the participation ratio as a core graph property.